
  • 26 April 2023

    What is frozen shoulder?

    In this 2-minute video, Dr. Raj Carmona discusses what frozen shoulder is and what its three distinct phases are.
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  • 27 April 2022

    Acupuncture for joint pain: Does it work?

    Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body and is most commonly used to treat pain. In this video, Enoch Ho discusses how acupuncture is thought to work, the potential risks of treatment, and the research evidence to support the use of acupuncture to complement traditional approaches to pain relief treatment.
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  • 16 March 2022

    Frozen shoulder: Do steroid injections help?

    Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful condition that can be triggered by an injury or surgery and can be associated with certain conditions such as diabetes, thyroid problems, and Parkinson disease. In this video, Dr. Raj Carmona discusses what causes frozen shoulder, the three distinct phases, and the range of treatment options, including the evidence for the use of steroid injections. Meet Glenda and find out what advice Dr. Carmona has for her.
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