Acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body and is most commonly used to treat pain. In this video, Enoch Ho discusses how acupuncture is thought to work, the potential risks of treatment, and the research evidence to support the use of acupuncture to complement traditional approaches to pain relief treatment.
Learn the answers to the following questions:
- 1:30 - What is acupuncture and what does it do?
- 2:54 - Are there any risks to getting acupuncture treatment and who might be at risk of complications?
- 5:35 - How are practitioners certified and who performs it?
- 7:05 - What is the research evidence to support acupuncture as a possible pain relief treatment?
- 12:11 - What advice would you give a patient with chronic knee pain?
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