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Health care and health service delivery

While most older adults enjoy active and healthy lives, declining health is a reality for many Canadians as they age. A proactive approach to one's health includes understanding what the latest research says concerning the prevention and treatment of various conditions. When needed, navigating programs and services, such as long-term and end-of-life care or accessing assistive technologies can be challenging. Learn what the latest research says about the various options.

Polypharmacy, part 4. Medication review encourages best use and reduces adverse effects.
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Telemedicine for foot care: Using technology to get back on your feet
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Treated and discharged: How to avoid repeat hospital visits
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Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia)

Category not found: accident-vasculaire-cérébral

Alcohol use


Alzheimer's and dementia

Category not found: arthrite-et-troubles-des-articulations

Arthritis and joint conditions

Category not found: autres-infections-(autres-que-le-rhume-ou-la-grippe)

Back pain

Bladder, urinary and pelvic problems

Blood disorders

Bone health, osteoporosis and fractures


Cancer prevention

Cancer screening and early detection


Circulation conditions

Colds, cough and flu

Category not found: consommation-d'alcool

Coronary heart disease

Category not found: décisions-relatives-aux-tests-de-dépistage-et-aux-traitements Category not found: dépistage-du-cancer-et-détection-précoce Category not found: dépistage-précoce-des-maladies-(autres-que-le-cancer) Category not found: diabète-et-syndrome-métabolique

Diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Digestive conditions

Prescription drug safety

Early disease detection (non-cancer)

End of life care

Category not found: fragilité-et-déclin-fonctionnel

Frailty and functional decline

Category not found: gestion-de-la-douleur

Hearing and ear problems

Heart failure

Heart valve disorders

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High cholesterol

Hospital and institutional care

Immune system conditions

Category not found: insuffisance-cardiaque

Kidney disease

Liver conditions

Lung conditions

Category not found: maladie-coronarienne Category not found: maladie-d'alzheimer-et-démence Category not found: maladies-des-tissus-mous Category not found: maladies-du-foie Category not found: maladies-du-sang Category not found: maladies-pulmonaires Category not found: maladies-rénales Category not found: mal-de-dos

Men's health

Metabolic conditions

Multiple chronic conditions

Category not found: multiples-maladies-chroniques

Nervous system disorders

Other infections (non-cold or flu)

Pain management

Category not found: prévention-du-cancer Category not found: problèmes-auditifs Category not found: problèmes-circulatoires Category not found: problèmes-de-peau Category not found: problèmes-de-vessie-urinaires-et-pelviens Category not found: problèmes-de-vision Category not found: proches-aidants

Psychological and mental health

Category not found: rhume-toux-et-grippe Category not found: santé-des-femmes Category not found: santé-des-hommes Category not found: santé-osseuse-ostéoporose-et-fractures Category not found: santé-psychologique-et-mentale Category not found: sécurité-des-médicaments

Skin conditions

Sleep disorders


Soft tissue conditions

Category not found: soins-de-fin-de-vie Category not found: soins-hospitaliers-et-institutionnels


Category not found: tabagisme

Testing and treatment decisions (health)

Category not found: troubles-digestifs Category not found: troubles-du-sommeil Category not found: troubles-du-système-immunitaire Category not found: troubles-du-système-nerveux Category not found: troubles-métaboliques


Vision problems

Women's health