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Healthy lifestyles and wellness

A proactive and preventive approach to our health is imperative. However, living a healthy lifestyle is not just about making conscious choices about nutrition, exercise, and self-management of health issues. Other factors, such as social status, education, literacy, and social supports, can impact our well-being. ÆßÃõ¼º½ the topics below to learn more about optimal aging practices and available programs and services to help us age well.

Does wearable technology help with weight loss and other health goals?
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Diet or exercise: Which works best for weight loss?
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The Portfolio diet: An investment in your heart health?
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Alcohol use

Category not found: approches-complémentaires-et-parallèles-en-santé

Cancer prevention


Complementary and alternative medicine

Category not found: comportement-de-prévention-et-réduction-des-risques Category not found: consommation-d'alcool Category not found: exercice


Fall and injury prevention

Food safety and security

Category not found: formation-en-alphabétisation

Healthy weight

Literacy training

Category not found: loisirs

Men's health

Mental wellbeing


Oral health

Category not found: poids-santé

Prevention behaviour and risk reduction

Category not found: prévention-des-chutes-et-des-blessures Category not found: prévention-du-cancer Category not found: proches-aidants


Category not found: santé-bucco-dentaire Category not found: santé-des-femmes Category not found: santé-des-hommes Category not found: santé-en-matière-de-sexualité Category not found: santé-mentale Category not found: santé-sociale Category not found: sécurité-et-salubrité-alimentaires

Sexual health


Social engagement

Category not found: tabagisme

Women's health