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Liver conditions

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  • Patient Decision Aid

    Hepatitis B: Should I take antiviral medicine for chronic hepatitis B?

    This patient decision aid helps people who have a chronic hepatitis B viral infection decide on whether or not to take antiviral medicine by comparing the benefits, risks and side effects of both options.
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    Acute liver failure

    Mayo Clinic
    Acute liver failure is a rare condition that occurs quickly and often in people without liver disease. If you or a loved one suddenly develop a yellowing of the skin or eyes, a swollen, tender abdomen, or an unusual change in personality or behaviour, seek medical help immediately. Treatments include medication or - if necessary - a liver transplant.
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    Liver disease

    Mayo Clinic
    There are many types of liver disease, which can be caused by genetics, viruses, obesity and alcohol abuse. Abdominal pain, a yellowing of the skin or eyes and chronic fatigue are all signs of liver disease. If left untreated, the damage to your organ can lead to liver failure. Speak to your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms of liver disease.
  • Patient Decision Aid

    Hepatitis B: Should I Be Tested?

    This patient decision aid helps people decide on whether or not to have a blood test for hepatitis B or hepatitis C by comparing the benefits, risks and side effects of both options.
  • Patient Decision Aid

    Gallstones: Should I Have Gallbladder Surgery?

    This patient decision aid helps people suffering from gallstone attacks decide on whether or not to have surgery to remove the gallbladder by comparing the benefits, risks, and side effects of both options.