
  • 28 July 2021

    Raising the retirement age: what about the health and wellbeing of older workers

    Many countries are now looking for strategies to boost their economy and recover from the pandemic. Some countries are considering various policy instruments, including slowly raising the retirement age before people can receive their full pension from their government.But beyond potential economic gains, does raising the retirement age have positive effects on the health and wellbeing of older workers?
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  • 24 April 2019

    Making the transition to retirement

    Retirement is synonymous with freedom for many, but for others it brings its share of anxiety and questioning. Many factors influence retirement perceptions, expectations and planning, including gender, health status, socio-economic status and the nature of work.
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  • 12 September 2018

    Fiscal measures to support older adults and reduce poverty

    Fiscal measures are often proposed to reduce the tax burden of older adults and reduce poverty. Finding the fiscal measures to which you are entitled can make anybody feel dizzy, but some professionals and tools can help you.
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  • 15 August 2018

    How do we measure poverty?

    Measuring poverty is complex because indicators currently used have limitations. In addition to income and market-basket indicators, indicators based on the level of education, health status, geographic region, clothing, housing, food security and social inclusion provide a portrait of poverty closer to reality.
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  • 24 April 2018

    A nest egg for our old days: Helping older adults manage their finances

    Older adults and their caregivers face a budgetary puzzle – making a realistic budget based on fixed and limited incomes - while juggling many priority expenses. Develop your knowledge, skills and self-confidence to make responsible financial decisions.
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