
Evidence Summary

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Home or community-based rehabilitation is as effective as hospital rehabilitation for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Neves LF, Reis MH, Goncalves TR  Home or community-based pulmonary rehabilitation for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 2016;32(6).

Review question

  • Is home or community-based rehabilitation better than hospital rehabilitation for improvements in breathing and quality of life for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?


  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an irreversible condition, which makes breathing very difficult and greatly reduces the quality of life.
  • Rehabilitation generally occurs in hospitals and helps improve patient breathing.
  • Home or community-based rehabilitation is a promising alternative that allows patients to obtain care from local community centres or at home.

How the review was done

  • A detailed search of a number of electronic databases for studies published from January 2014 up to May 2015 was conducted. Studies that focused on home or community-based rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were included in the review.
  • A total of 3,172 studies were identified in the initial database search, and 23 were included in the review.
  • The systematic review did not mention funding sources.  

What the researchers found

  • Home and community-based rehabilitation was more effective than no treatment for breathing and quality of life.
  • Reviews found that hospital, home and community-based rehabilitation had similar benefits for quality of life.
  • Reviews found that hospital, home and community-based rehabilitation had similar benefits for ease of breathing and oxygen use during exercise.


  • Home and community-based rehabilitation was more effective than no treatment for breathing and quality of life.
  • Reviews found that hospital, home and community-based rehabilitation had similar benefits for quality of life, ease of breathing and oxygen use during exercise.

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Systematic review
A comprehensive evaluation of the available research evidence on a particular topic.

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