

Promoting bone health: Osteoporosis, fracture and falls prevention

The Bottom Line

You can help to prevent osteoporosis, fractures and falls by:

  • Participating in balance and muscle-strengthening exercises at least 2 times per week.
  • Ensuring you have adequate intake of calcium, vitamin D and protein.
  • Supplementing with a minimum of 400 IU daily of vitamin D.
  • Using a falls prevention checklist to reduce your risk.

    For older adults, a broken bone can be the start of more serious health problems and can lead to long-term changes in mobility. In this webinar recording, Dr. Alexandra Papaioannou discusses the key factors related to bone health as we age and the causes, risks, and consequences of osteoporosis, fractures and falls.


    Learn the answers to the following questions:

    • 1:14 What are the current recommendations for exercise, nutrition, screening and medication for osteoporosis?
    • 4:45 What is osteoporosis?
    • 9:45 How do you assess your own fracture risk?
    • 12:00 What role do exercise and nutrition play in bone health?
    • 20:12 What are the medication options for the treatment of osteoporosis?
    • 28:05 How about if you have exercise intolerance or stamina issues that affect a person’s physical activity?
    • 29:55 How about the side effects, such as jaw pain, associated with denosumab (Prolia)?
    • 32:20 What are effective fall prevention strategies?
    • 37:20 What should children and young adults do to optimize their bone health?
    • 38:38 What does the research say about collagen, protein, vitamin K, calcium and other foods or supplements for bone health?
    • 44:54 Is there a role for hormone replacement, or estrogen therapy, for bone health?
    • 46:20 Should you use a rollator walker to prevent future falls?
    • 47:50 What tests will your health care provider do to assess your risk of fractures and bone health?
    • 51:45 Why is the first year after a fracture the highest-risk period for refracture?

    Download a Falls Prevention Checklist.

    Download a transcript of this webinar presentation.

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    1. Morin SN, Feldman S, Funnell L, et al. Clinical practice guideline for management of osteoporosis and fracture prevention in Canada: 2023 update. CMAJ. 2023;195(39):E1333-E1348. doi:10.1503/cmaj.221647
    2. Vitamin D. Osteoporosis Canada. Accessed December 20, 2023.
    3. DesGroseilliers, J. Live your best life with protein. Osteoporosis Canada. Updated November 21, 2018. Accessed December 20, 2023.

    DISCLAIMER: These summaries are provided for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for advice from your own health care professional. The summaries may be reproduced for not-for-profit educational purposes only. Any other uses must be approved by the ÆßÃõ¼º½ Optimal Aging Portal (info@mcmasteroptimalaging.org).

    Many of our Blog Posts were written before the COVID-19 pandemic and thus do not necessarily reflect the latest public health recommendations. While the content of new and old blogs identify activities that support optimal aging, it is important to defer to the most current public health recommendations. Some of the activities suggested within these blogs may need to be modified or avoided altogether to comply with changing public health recommendations. To view the latest updates from the Public Health Agency of Canada, please visit their .