

Vegetarian diets: Will they help me lose weight?

Maintaining a healthy weight is important to reduce your risk for many health conditions, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, mental illness, and cancer. In this video, Dr. Megha Poddar discusses vegetarian or plant-based diets and their potential impact on health and weight loss.


Learn the answers to the following questions:

  • What are the different types of vegetarian diets?
  • What are the health benefits?
  • Will you lose weight on a vegetarian diet?
  • When planning a plant-based diet, are there specific nutrients you should think about to ensure adequate intake?


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  1. ÆßÃõ¼º½ Optimal Aging Portal. Oh my veggies! Can a vegetarian diet help you lose weight? (2018 Mar 19). Accessed November 1, 2021. Available from: /blog/detail/blog/2018/03/19/oh-my-veggies-can-a-vegetarian-diet-help-you-lose-weight
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  7. Tuso PJ, Ismail MH, Ha BP, Bartolotto C. Nutritional update for physicians: plant-based diets. Perm J. 2013;17(2):61-66.
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This work is supported through the ÆßÃõ¼º½ Institute for Research on Aging and funds provided by the Dean and Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences at ÆßÃõ¼º½. 

DISCLAIMER: These summaries are provided for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for advice from your own health care professional. The summaries may be reproduced for not-for-profit educational purposes only. Any other uses must be approved by the ÆßÃõ¼º½ Optimal Aging Portal (info@mcmasteroptimalaging.org).

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