

World Heart Day: controlling your risk factors through better lifestyle choices

World Heart Day – a day dedicated to raising awareness of cardiovascular diseases including heart disease and stroke – takes place on September 29 each year. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, claiming 17.5 million lives per year.  People with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and those with diabetes or who smoke, are at greater risk for heart disease. The good news is there are many things you can do control the risk factors that lead to heart disease, including: increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol intake. Exercise is not only a key to prevention, it has been shown to benefit people who already have heart conditions. A healthy diet that limits sodium, incorporates healthy fats, and incorporates vegetables, fruit, fish and whole grains can also help promote heart health.

See what the latest research says about heart health with our resources below. 

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Many of our Blog Posts were written before the COVID-19 pandemic and thus do not necessarily reflect the latest public health recommendations. While the content of new and old blogs identify activities that support optimal aging, it is important to defer to the most current public health recommendations. Some of the activities suggested within these blogs may need to be modified or avoided altogether to comply with changing public health recommendations. To view the latest updates from the Public Health Agency of Canada, please visit their .